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Critical Updates          50.00/Month


We highly recommend that all of our clients protect their apps with the Critical Updates package. New hardware and operating systems are constantly becoming available to your users. You need to make sure your app not only works great now but will continue to work great on any new device or operating system. Unfortunately, old apps on new systems don't always work as expected. Critical failures, crashes, and bugs can occur. These critical errors can be avoided with our Critical Updates package. With this package, we'll monitor and update your app to ensure compatibility with all of the latest technology. 

Feature Updates        75.00/Month
(semi-custom apps only)


The Feature Updates package is for those that want a little more than just maintaince. The Feature Updates package comes with all of the support of the Critical Updates package plus automatic updates to your semi-custom features as they become available. We are always improving the semi-custom app features in our library, adding enhanced functionality. With the Feature Updates package, you can keep your app maintained while making sure you never miss-out on the latest improvements to our features. 

Post-Launch Services

Every Frozen Fire Technology app can benefit from a post-launch service package. Much like a car, an app requires a lot of work even after it has been launched to ensure that users have a great experience every time. It requires regular maintaince, tune-ups, and upgrades to keep it current. Fortunately, with one of our post-launch service packages, you'll never need to worry about your app. 

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